Places of interest > Utena region

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Utena district places of interest

Utena Tourism Information Centre
Stoties g. 39, LT-28134 Utena
Tel./fax +370 389 54346, mob. +370 687 21938,

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Utena – the capital of East Upper Lithuania. This is probably the only one city in Lithuania having two lakes – Dauniškis and Vyžuonaitis, wedged between the streets and houses. In the playgrounds of Dauniškis Lake coats the voices of happy children crow and people advanced in years find here the peace and oasis of fresh air. In 2011 Utena had celebrated the anniversary of 750 years. On the occasion of this holiday Dauniškis Lake had spruced with shining and playing fountain with water screen.

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 Užpaliai belfry and church Art school

• The old Utena post (Art school)
– the middle of St. Petersburg – Warsaw canal built in 1830–1835. The buildings are of classicistic artistical forms, efficient proportions. Post station used to perform functions of post services, horses changing, and barracks. Also it had included leisure rooms for travelers and people waiting for the coaches. At that time just after the opening of the road the tsar of Russia Nicholas the First with his sun Alexander had visited Utena post. Russian artist Ilja Repinas had gone round here too. In 1843 famous French writer Honore de Balzakas had changed his horses in Utena post. The cellar of post station is of good persistence till today. Now it includes appointed art gallery. The old post mentions the events of XIX–XX century, the days of peasants’ rebellions of 1831, 1863, world wars, rehabilitation of Lithuania independence and recent changes.
Sudeikiai land (Alaušas Lake) is holiday “pearl“ including installed boat dock. It is possible to rent the boat, pedalo, roller-skate and bicycle. Perfectly installed cycleway can be used by the skaters too. Holidaymakers are attracted to Sudeikiai land by picturesque coasts of Alaušas, beautiful pinewoods, excellent beaches and large areas of the most clear and clean lake. The main purpose – do not damage the naturalness of the nature. After the arrival to this land you will find the complex of services with the blow of refreshing nature in order that the fisherman would hear the singing of living bird while fishing the vendaces and in order that the children from all Lithuania would crow at the coasts of Alaušas Lake between shaky reeds...
Vytautas Valiušis ceramics museum in Leliūnai. This is the only museum of ceramics appointed in Lithuania. The exposition is composed of many pots, jars, cups, jugs, big and small bowls, vases, candlesticks. The exposition is interspersed by other antique utensils: brushes and comb for brushing of flax, edgestone, vats, tubs... Here from the king of potters you will hear not only the history of ceramics and its secrets but also you could throw probably the first pot in your life by yourselves.
Užpaliai surroundings. Everybody who came to get an eyefull of Užpaliai land nature necessarily visits St. Krokulė spring which is famous for its magic water. Antecedents tell that during one summer morning the shepherds had seen Christ standing and enclosed by the rays. Feathered children had kneeled down and started to pray. Christ had blessed them and disappeared. Since then Krokulė water is miraculous.
The residents of Užpaliai town are proud of having magnificent St. Trinity parish masonry church of Gothic style built in 1892. The churchyard includes standing old masonry belfry built in 1847. This is regular architecture monument of stone and masonry classicism forms. An exposure with conglomerate rock meets near Šeimyniškiai mound. This is quite high bar of clay and gravel existing at Šeimyniškiai gravel quarry. The spirit of the ancestors speaking from the mounds, beautiful stories and legends deliver unique charm for this land. Perhaps that is the reason why the canoes of the tourists flow through Užpaliai every summer and the reason why many of famous people that were born in this land come to spend their holiday...

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