Places of interest > Klaipėda region

Places of interest in Klaipėda city

Architectural objects and monuments
• Theatre Square is the heart of Klaipėda City. Concerts, International Castle Jazz Festival, Sea Festival and other events take place here.
• Aukštoji g. 8. It is the most beautiful timber-framing warehouse of the 18C.
• Art courtyard. A separate group consists of warehouses with bended roofs that were widely spread in the 2nd half of C18. These unique buildings usually had two floors, they were constructed in the courtyards as well. This type of a warehouse can also be seen in this courtyard.
• Former Town Hall (Classicism, constructed in the end of 18C – beginning of 19C).

Urban objects and monuments
Quite a lot of buildings of timber-framing construction can be seen in one part of the Old Town. While the other part of the Old Town, between the streets Turgaus and Žvejų, which was burnt out during the fire of 1854, hardly has any timber-framing building. After the fire, this part is predominated by brick buildings. When reconstructing the city after the fire, time-framing buildings were restricted. According to the requirements of the Construction police regulations of 1855, houses and warehouses had to be built from bricks. Therefore, the number of timberframing constructions in the city decreased, while public timber framing buildings became a rarity. Starting from 1890, this type of construction was restricted not only for fire-preventive but also
for aesthetic purposes.

Art objects and monuments
• A monument dedicated to poet Simonas Dachas was unveiled in 1912, in Klaipėda – in front of the theatre. A bronze sculpture of a heroine from his poem Tarawa’s Anic was erected above the fountain.
• Cat sculpture (1980, author R. Midvikis)
• Dog sculpture Guard of the Old Town (2006)
• Mouse sculpture
• Arch – monument to the united Lithuania (2003)
• Sculpture Fishman (1971, architect P. Šadauskas)
• Monument to Kristijonas Donelaitis (1974)
• Klaipėda Clock Museum

Natural objects and monuments
• Lithuanian Marine Museum and Dolphinarium in Smiltynė


Places of interest in Klaipėda district

Archaeological objects and monuments
Mounds: Eketė (Ice Hole) (~2 km to the east from Kalotė, biggest in the seaside); Purmaliai; Antkalnis (Gribžiniai); Gerduvėnai; Žvaginiai; Dovilai; Žardė; Laistai; Norgėlai; Veiviržėnai (Vilkės); Vyskupiškiai; Mockaičiai (Šiuraičiai); Skomantai.

Architectural objects and monuments
• Drevernos ethnographic village
• Agluonėnai ethnographic countryside house – museum Buildings:
• Veiviržėnai cemetery chapel (built in 1791, in the 1st half of C19 moved to the cemetery, a monument of art), cemetery gate (built in 19C)
• Veiviržėnai Church (built in 1767, reconstructed in 1819, and presumed in 1882, a monument of art)
• Judrėnai Church (built in 1780, reconstructed in 1876, a monument of art)
• Vanagai Evangelical Lutheran Church (built in 1908, Gothic)
• Vėžaičiai manor (Vėžaičiai, built in 18C)
• St Casimir Confessor’s Church (built in 18C, author K. Volmeris)
• Evangelic Lutheran Church (Kretingalė, built in 1853, Gothic)

Urban objects and monuments
• In ethno cultural sense, Klaipėda District is as if a combination of two layers. Its one part historically consists of Samogithian culture of the Great Lithuania, while the other – culture of Lithuanians of Lithuania Minor. These different features can be observed when travelling in Klaipėda district.
• Karklė village founded in the end of 15C - beginning of 16C, on the coast of the Baltic Sea is one of the oldest and biggest historical settlements in the seaside. Karklė village has sustained its ethnographic peculiarity through centuries.
• Today Priekulė is very valuable in architectural urban respect. The town centre formed in the 19C is characteristic to a bigger town in Lithuania Minor.

Art objects and monuments
• Monument to Independence (Veiviržėnai, built in 1932)
• Monument of Columns of Gediminas – Altar (constructed in 1990, sculptor J. Mickevičius)
• Ablinga Memorial Ensemble of Sculptures (built in 1972)
• Monument to I. Simonaitytė (Priekulė, built in 1997, sculptor D. Matulaitė)

Historical objects and monuments
• House, in which writer I. Simonaitytė lived in 1960-1978 (Vingio g. 11, Priekulė). Writer I. Simonaitytė’s (1897-1978) place of birth (Vanagai village, Agluonėnai Neighbourhood, Klaipėda District)
Famous people’s homes:
• Site of the countryside home of the state and public man, signatory of the Lithuanian Independence Act J. Šaulys (born in 1879) in Balsėnai
• Site of countryside house of the signatory of Lithuanian Independence Restoration Act K. Antanavičius (born in 1937) in Balsėnai
• Site of the countryside house of pilot S. Darius (born in 1896) in Darius (former Rubiškės).
• Writer I. Simonaitytė’s countryside house – museum (Vanagai village)
• Place of birth of the poet and playwright Butkų Juzė (Pažvelsis village)

Natural objects and monuments
• 24 meter above the sea level Dutch Cap
• Seaside regional park

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